Cyber Wanderlust
Cyber Wanderlust Audio
WAR’S UNWOMANLY FACE - Only I Returned To Mama

WAR’S UNWOMANLY FACE - Only I Returned To Mama

I’ll begin by saying that girls were accepted reluctantly into the tank forces. One could even say they weren’t accepted at all.

In this series I’m going to give you audio reading of the English translation of the groundbreaking oral history of women in World War II across Europe and Russia — from the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Svetlana Alexievich.

“But why? I asked myself more than once. Why, having stood up for and held their own place in a once absolutely male world, have women not stood up for their history? Their words and feelings? They did not believe themselves. A whole world is hidden from us. Their war remains unknown . . . I want to write the history of that war. A women’s history.”

— Svetlana Alexievich

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