Cyber Wanderlust
Cyber Wanderlust Audio
Smeagol And Sick!

Smeagol And Sick!

It's time to pull the plug and STOP giving her ANY MONEY.

Jamila Warrior Sister Wilkins ‘s comment

Smeagol And Sick’s Christmass bullcrap

Trans activist’s dossier from 2023

Sierra Weir’s American Mind articles where she doxxed herself because she’s not careful who she gives her real name to, and why.
She though she will be famous as Sierra Weir, so later told the magazine to sign her shit with “TT Exulansic“.
Smeagolandsick, you can’t be anonymous and “famous” on the Internet at the same time! You’re not freaking Banksy!

Cyber Wanderlust
Cyber Wanderlust Audio
What I cannot read I will make the bots read.